2 101 X Arad was a Canaanite city in the south Negeb of Judah. It was mentioned in Egyptian texts and in the Bible where it said that the king of Arad initially defeated the Israelites. Later, however, he was conquered by Joshua. Recent excavations of the site of the city have revealed over 100 Iron Age Hebrew inscriptions.
6 101 X Ai, a place mentioned in the Bible in connection with Abraham's early migration into the land of Canaan and Joshua's conquest of that area, was excavated by archaeologists in the 1930s. They found a city with an elaborate defence system which existed between 3000 and 2000 BC.
3 101 X Located in the foothills of the Judaean range, Gezer guarded one of the most important cross-roads in ancient Palestine. It is mentioned both in the Bible and in Egyptian and Assyrian texts. Gezer became a Canaanite city in the Bronze Age. It was captured by Egyptians, Israelites and Philistines, and was finally fortified under King Solomon.
# Gezer
32 101 X Tell el-Far'ah is the site of ancient Tirzah - the capital city of the Israelite northern kingdom after the death of King Jeroboam. It was strategically significant, commanding communications from Shechem to the Jordan Valley. Excavations have shown that it was occupied from before 3000 BC until the end of the Israelite Kingdom.